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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  June 16, 2011 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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bill: 2:00 anthony weiner. we will see you tomorrow. i think that is friday, right. alisyn: it is. it's been a long one today. bill: cant wait. chow now. jenna: welcome to "happening now" i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. we are here in the fox newsroom with breaking news on capitol hill. the internet sex scandal that fueled tabloid headlines for be weeks is about to hit its crest. anthony weiner will resign today from the house of representatives. alisyn: wvenezuela we are keeping an eye on his home as he has informed nancy pelosi and other leaders that he is stepping down. he will hold a press conference at 2:00pm eastern time today.
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doug mcelway is watching the story from washington. >> reporter: we are expect being the official announcement at 2:00pm eastern time at sheeps head bay at his office there. word of plans for his resignation first became known at a white house picnic for congressional members. nancy pelosi received a cellphone call from weiner on the south lawn. she and steve israel both received calls from weiner. this expected resignation was becoming a fairly obvious outcome since late last week when pressure on weiner to resign became truly immense. more than 15 democrats began calling for his resignation. minority leader pelosi privately called for him to step down, and then made her feelings public. the president of the united states in effect joined the chorus. >> i can tell you that if it was me i would resign, because public service is exactly that,
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it's a service to the public. >> reporter: lastly only adding to weiner's public humiliation exotic dancer former porn star gingerly and her attorney gloria allred held a press conference and said she had exchanged over a hundred emails with weiner. she alleged that after the scandal broke weiner asked her to lie about their communications. >> i knew i couldn't lie for him, but i didn't want to be the one that kicked him under the bus. finally after realizing that i could no longer go through with this nightmare and after receiving threats from an individual who threatened to release a statement which i did not authorize i contacted miss allred. >> reporter: one important note about the press conference. allred said her client lee suffered severe emotional threat from weiner.
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anyone who knows allred knows that that leaves the way open for a lawsuit. weiner will be free of the ethic committee proceedings which would have led to more expense and tremendous embarrassment for the embattled congressman. jenna: thank you very much. much more on the story to come. jon: let's bring in karl rove, he is a former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to president george w. bush, also a fox news contributor. karl is wife, huma returned home from an extended trip with khreupb clip. she is secretary clinton's right hand woman. it was 36 hours ago, a little more than that when she first got together with her husband. how much of this owe tension po- woo don't know how much of this came from discussions they had privately. how much pressure was being provided by government officials in washington.
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>> a lot of pressure was being applied. we'll never know what happened inside the home of congressman weiner and his wife. there was a lot of pressure. it was building. there was a lot of it over an extended period of time. i think his attitude at the beginning was, i will wait this out, they are not going to be able to make me go unless i want to go. as a result, particularly since the first response from democrats was so tepid, some of them even defending them i think it merely emboldened then. and he finally had to wake up and say i have no effectiveness left in congress and my presence will be an embarrassment to colleagues and to me and it's time to go. jon: when you have the guy who inch habits the oval office saying you ought to resign, that's enough. >> reporter: the president had been trying to distance himself, the entire white house trying to keep out of this. that says to me he had a signal
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that he had a pretty good indication that weiner was going to go otherwise he won't be saying it. jon: is it another example of it's not the crime it's the cover up. >> in this instance there was the crime and the cover up. there was such a recklessness to this. this was not one woman, but multiple women. it was not the typical kind of relationship you see emerge in these sex scandals. it was one weird set of events. and we understand perhaps even a 17-year-old involved. there was such a tone of recklessness that it was hard to see why any human being in their right mind could expect to survive this. the problem is when you're in the middle of something like this you may not be exactly in your right mind. jon: somebody pointed out that former weapon congressman chris lee sent one photo out and when that came to light he resigned three hours later, anthony weiner has been hanging in for three weeks. >> there is also a difference. there was very firm, firm but quiet direction from the
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republican leadership to chris lease, you have embarrassed yourself, embarrassed, your family and district and our party and it's time for you to go. similarly when mark foley years ago, it was interesting to me mark foley was found to have sent inappropriate emails to underage pages. the republican leadership told him as soon as that was found out, you need to go. it's important that that kind of decisive leadership be offered by each of the two political parties in my opinion. jon: a look at anthony weiner doorstep there. we expect he'll be announcing that he will resign in about three hours. we'll have it live when he does. karl rove stick around. we want to talk to you about the presidential race, some interesting polling results on the republican side. we want to get your take on it coming up. jenna: we'll go straight to the casey anthony murder trial where it is day one for the defense. a much awaited day one, harris. >> reporter: yeah, you know, jenna i want to start with what people are looking at right now. obviously they see casey anthony.
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this is kind of a reaction shot. if you widen out a different shot though you see that the courtroom is fully engaged and that the defense has called its first witness, a crime scene investigator, jenna who actually processed items that were seized from casey anthony's bedroom. you see the judge there. a couple of things to note coming up from the defense. fireworks expected in the courtroom. that's her attorney jose baez. fasto thompson, that attorney would like to call him to the stand. vasco thompson is 52 years old, i believe we have a picture of him. here is why this is important and where some of the drama next in this case could come from. the defense wants him to testify because they say that this convicted felon, convicted of kidnapping charges in the mast was having conversations with casey anthony's father, george anthony via cellphone records days -- during the days
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surrounding little caylee's death and subsequent quote unquote disappearance, if you will. and so what the defense is hoping to show is to show the meat of their case, that her nats was somehow involved in the death of her daughter caylee, and that he may have had some nefarious conversations with this convicted felon. they want to call him to the stand, the judge has to decide whether or not that will happen. a lot of tkraupl aebgs pebgted in this case now that the tkra e case now that the defense has the floor. jon: our brand-new chat is up and running. get online with us, we'll be chatting with you. a big story this a lot of americans are going to be concerned b. al-qaida is announcing its new leader after the death of osama bin laden. the terror network's number two man, ayman al-zawahri is number one. this wildly anticipated move comes as al-qaida is trying to struggle for relevance more than
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six weeks after navy seals killed osama bin laden in a raid on his hideout in pakistan. ayman al-zawahri is pledging at that time to avenge osama bin laden's death and launch mortar or attacks against the u.s. catherine herridge live in washington. the statement of his assen kreurbgs on to the number one position, do we know it's authentic. >> reporter: a short time ago a u.s. counterterrorism official confirmed to me that he believes the statement is authentic and that indeed ayman al-zawahri the longtime number two within al-qaida has risen to the top job. this message this statement was posted on several well-known gee add web sites over the last 24 hours as a message to the networks' tpoerls. i have a section of the statement and it reads in part. seeing that the gentleman had continues until the day of rester recollection the central command of the gaidat gentleman had operation announces that
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ayman al-zawahri may ala grant him success as he has the responsibility of leading this group. what you have six weeks after the death of osama bin laden is a formal statement from al-qaida central command that ayman al-zawahri is in fact the new leader of the network, jon. jon: catherine herridge live in washington. >> reporter: you're welcome. jenna: senator lindsey graham of south carolina returned from afghanistan last week. he's the only member of congress to serve active duty in iraq and afghanistan. on the news of the new leader of al-qaida within the last 24 hours more than two dozen of your colleagues in the senate have sent a letter to the president asking for a sizable, sustained reduction of u.s. military forces in afghanistan. considering the news of the last 24 hours and your trip to afghanistan, what is the right thing to do? what is the way forward? >> to listen to general petraeus. because you're a general is no reason for a senator to completely give over
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decision-making to the general. but this is not any general, this is the man who turned iraq around. i've been going to afghanistan every two or three months for the last couple of years. the surge of forces were needed, it's working. a modest withdrawal is called for this july. this letter by my colleagues would undercut general petraeus' transition strategy, it would stop momentum. the enemy is on their knees. if we change strategy now they would be back into the game. i respect my colleagues but i think it would undercut general petraeus' transition plans and basically empower an element that believe they are about to be defeated in afghanistan. jenna: you say that some of the republican candidates for president and you said this in a speech to think tank yesterday are not articulating what happens if we win or lose in afghanistan. they are not doing that correctly. how would you articulate that? >> i would say that the cost of
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losing in afghanistan is far more detriment althan staying and seeing it through. thinks a place that attacked on 9/11. this is the country that is now beginning to turn around. thinks the place that if we fail pakistan is to follow. if we can create an ally out of an old enemy in afghanistan, leave with an afghan security force that can beat the taliban without future intervention by the united states government, that they would be allies in the future politically, economically and military we have made our security much more secure. my question to anyone who is following this debate, how can you allow the taliban to come back in afghanistan and it not eventually affect our national security. we can beat the taliban. jenna: there is a difference between the taliban and al-qaida. we were talking about the new leadership in al-qaida. you don't think there is a difference? >> there are elements of the
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taliban that can reconcile with the afghan people, renounce violence and come back into their constitution. the people who are killing american shoulders are not al-qaida members it's the taliban who want to take it over and make it a radical republican where you blow up statues of buddha and kill women in soccer stadiums. we are about to replace those people with people that will live in police with us. the afghan police are getting better by the day. the elements that are trying to kill our people and the afghans in afghanistan are not going to be reformed. they have to be defeated. jenna: in response to the debate that we're hearing over afghanistan, and again going back to some of the republican candidates you have said that some of the conversation is shallow when it comes to afghanistan. are you considering a run for the presidency? would you consider that job? >> not at all. i am considering to reignite what i think has been the national security ronald reagan wing of the republican party. how can you allow afghanistan to
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go back into the abyss. if we withdraw our troops too soon and lose the momentum on the battlefield and the taliban regain momentum how does that affect pakistan. i think that is a death blow to pakistan. moderation has to be taken where you can find it. i want to be in a party that says to radical islam we're going to fight you and no passage of time will protect you. i am so glad osama bin laden was killed. i wish it had not taken so long. killing osama bin laden is one thing to make us safe. standing by those in gans who would fight the taliban in their own backyard makes us safer. we can't kill our way to safety we need to help the people who would fight the terrorists in their own backyard. that's what ronald reagan would have done. that's what i want my party to be, i want them to fight them in their own backyard. jenna: we look forward to having
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you back. it's an important thing to distinguish between al-qaida, the taliban. jon: i thought he had a lot of eloquent things to say. we are keeping our eye on congressman anthony weiner's house. two hours and 45 minutes from now he is set to resign. more just ahead. structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to t
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jon: talk a little politics now. new polls show president obama's approval ratings back where they were before the death of osama bin laden. it provided him apparently a momentarily blip. the latest "wall street journal" nbc news poll puts him at 49% in terms of approval of his job performance. the same as in april before the raid that killed the terror leader in pakistan. but the number falls even lower when it comes to the president's handling of the economy. only 41% of americans approve of
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the job he's doing. what does this mean for the 2012 presidential race. let's bring in karl rove once again a former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to george w. bush and a fox news contributor. i'm guessing you could sum it up in two words for the president, karl, not good. >> in fact maybe even a little worpbs the numbers look. remember this is a poll of adults not voters, an every poll if you compare the polls between adults and voters and voters and likely voters, the president does best among adults and worst among likely voters. the president is not in good shape on the economy today, and unless the economy gets going robust lee he's not likely to be in better shape by election day unless his opponent falls down and turns into a hapless opponent. jon: i recall before the 2000 elections george h.w. bush was enjoying a 90% approval rating
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or popularity rating based on the invasion of kuwait and his tough response. 90% approval rating and bill clinton a guy who had that phrase, you know, it's the economy, stupid, he wins the election because people are voting jobs and the economy. >> look in 1991 you're right, president bush's approval following the gulf war in 1990 and 91 he was way up there. president bush 41 began to decline as the economy started to get into rough batches. today's president obama's approval rating was roughly where president bush's 41 approval rating was at this comparable time in $1,991. jon: take a look at what the poll shows about press and how he stacks up particularly to the guy who leads the republican field in this poll. mitt romney. obama at 49%. mitt romney at 43%. does that suggest -- you tell me
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you're the expert. >> wherever the president is among adults he's worse off among voters and likely to be worse off among likely voters. he's the president of the united states, everybody knows who he is. he can't break 50%. this is a troubling place to start a campaign. doesn't mean he's going to loose. if he was consistently above 50% they would be breathing easier in the west wing of the white house i suspect. jon: karl rove. good to talk to you. jenna: one of our big political stories of the day is this breaking news on anthony weiner resigning and it's the topic of our poll as well. harris you have that. >> reporter: yes, i do. people go to"happening now" that will take you to the page where we are. go to the right hand side about halfway down and you'll say, will representative weiner's scandal hurt the democratic party. you can take a part in the poll. if you want to take a sneak speak about how the results are doing, 55% of people are saying yes. get your voice in. the live chat is back.
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click on it. it will tell you how to get in on the conversation. we may even share some viewer thoughts right here. if it's "happening now" you want to stay with us right here. we're coming back. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies. more passion for the one ya love. more fun with your family and friends. it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. come on, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more.
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jenna: welcome back. fox news alert. we're going to the casey anthony trial right now. on the stand right now is a defense witness, an f.b.i. analyst is testifying on their behalf. of course day one for the defense, a much awaited day one. phil keating is there in orlando following the latest from inside the courtroom outside for us. phil, how are you doing? >> reporter: hi, jenna, fine. inch saoeuld the courtroom the jury is following along although it's been late challenging for them to keep their attention as jose baez has been going over a lot of dna and crime scene-type
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evidence. day one of the defense of casey anthony begins with an attack on the evidence or lack of evidence in the prosecution's case, which was very much circumstantial. inside the courtroom right now that is the f.b.i.'s dna analyst. she is explaining to the jury how you can test for my myocondrialdna. what jose baez is getting her to admit is that she did not get any evidence from casey anthony from the tupbg liner or clothing in this case. they got a look at the bedroom of casey anthony. you saw a single bed, a collage on the wall. the crime scene tech testified under ultraviolet light no blood at all was found on casey anthony's clothes, particularly the gray charcoal slacks she was said to be wearing on
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june 16th 2008 the day caylee was allegedly murdered. on cross-examination prosecutors did score this point. >> it is also your understanding that the pants that you were looking for as perhaps garment -- a tkpw-r meant that miss anthony wore on june 16th of 2008 had been washed by her mother. >> yes, she informed me that she washed that particular item, yes. >> reporter: jose baez then got the dna expert from the f.b.i. to begin talking about no blood at all was found on certain items of clothing on casey anthony nor the shovel she borrowed from the neighbor, all of this happening on the day where the both sides here agree caylee anthony died three years ago, june 16th, 2008. the question for this jury, was it an accidental drowning or did she die after being dosed with chloroform and suffer indicated by duct tape. jenna: in those scenarios there
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may not be any blood if they are looking within the house for that. thank you very much. jon: for more on the defense in the casey anthony i'm joined by diana tennis, a criminal defense attorney. in that capacity as a criminal defense attorney, if you're jose baez do you put this woman, casey anthony on the stand? >> i think given their opening statement you have to. there are things that the defense promised in opening statement that only two people were around for. one, george anthony, he already said i never sexually abused my daughter and i wasn't there when my granddaughter drowned, and casey. i don't think you get by without calling her to the stand. at this point, frankly, yes she is a liar, everybody knows she is a liar i don't think she could possibly do as badly as we are all speculating. jon: one of our vires who is on the chat this morning asks a question that i think all of us are asking, who is this vasco thompson guy the defense suddenly came up with? he's this 52-year-old once or
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twice convicted felon who apparently they say was in touch with her father. >> only this case could have the mysterious convicted kidnaper surface right before the defense goes into their case. i don't understand why this didn't come out a little bit more fully before. obviously they had the phone records for a really longtime. why we're hearing about it now i don't know. i predict it's going to come to nothing. but wow won't it be interesting if george anthony during that timeframe where everybody is searching for that little girl had some extensive conversations with some out of state convicted kidnaper. it would be kind of block-busker, what the heck is going on. i don't think it's going to turn out that way but who knows. jon: his defense team, or george's attorneys, the father's attorneys flat out deny that there was any of this contact. >> right. jon: now, i mean somebody has got to be pulling a string here, pulling a --
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>> right. i'm hoping that the defense would not be having us go through this exercise of effort if those phone records didn't show some lengthy conversations. if what you got is a couple of few second calls where somebody can legitimately say it's a wrong number that i kept hitting redial on, i think that is going to be very irritating to the judge that we took out part of our saturday of this trial we're trying to finish to go down that rabbit hole. i don't know what else they have to back it up at this point. jon: so many more questions to ask. we will be talking about this trial throughout our couple of hours on the air today. diana tennis thank you. jenna: certainly more on the case as jon mentioned. we've than telling you about the breaking news on congressman weiner and his potential resignation in about two and a half hours. it's a topic of our poll today as well. harris you have more on that. >> reporter: a lot of people are chatting about that. i told them the chat is back and that's exciting on"happening now."
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look for it on the right hand side. go halfway down the page and click on it. it will tell you how to join. ron d1954 says weiner will do just fine as a tv ad spokesperson and reverse phoerpblgs and aarp supplemental insurance. they say you can raise money, give weiner a dollar forever joke people have told about him. that would be a lot of goodbye number. and one person writes. comments or jokes. weiner has turned into a big joke in her opinion and deserving every one of them. you can be part of the conversation. i'm looking fair & balanced to see if anybody is in his corner, i haven't seen it yet. i'm sure it's out there. i solicit you to present the other side as it were on our live chat, meanwhile find it on it's on our "happening now" page. we love it when you become part of the conversation. stay with us. sam higgins? you have frequent heartburn, right?
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jon: we are awaiting a news conference now scheduled for 2 p.m. eastern time about, what, two and a half hours from now. congressny -- congressman anthony weiner of new york is expected to announce he will resign. let's talk about it with fox news contributor kirsten powers, she is a new york post columnist. kirsten, our viewers probably know you briefly dated the congressman nearly ten years or so, you remained friends with him and defended him as this scandal fist erupted -- first erupted. you said you didn't think that
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he was capable of sending out that initial sexting picture that got him into so much trouble. turns out you were bamboozled like so many other people. >> yeah. the reason i didn't think he was capable of doing it because it was just so obviously risky and there's nothing he loves more than his career, and i just thought i just can't imagine he would do something so stupid, to risk everything, you know? to risk his career, his new marriage, so it was kind of unthinkable. and then, of course, he told me he didn't do it and went into a lot of detail about how they were close to figuring out who did do it and, yeah, i fell for it. jon: you mentioned the new marriage. it was interesting in that, well, cringe-inducing news conference he had when he announced that, yes, in fact, he had been the source of those pictures, he said my wife huma and i, we're not divorcing, we're going to see this through. he said that, but to my knowledge we haven't heard anything yet from her. unless you have some information i'm not privy to.
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>> no. we haven't heard from her, but that's not really surprising. she's a very private person, and, you know, i have not heard anything to the contrary, you know, that she's planning on leaving him. and she is pregnant. and, you know, we can assume that she loves him and it's not, it's not unthinkable that she would be standing by him, to me. jon: but do you think that she is one of those who said, you know, you've got to resign, you've got to get out of the congress? >> well, i mean, what had been reported was that she was actually saying that he should hold on. now, whether or not that's true or not, it's not hard to believe because i think there was a school of thought, i mean, i was certainly among the school of thought that he could weather this and make it through, and, you know, kind of work his way back up. my theory is that probably the prospect of this ethics investigation was maybe the last straw, especially because it's very expensive. you spend a minimum of hundreds of thousands of dollars defending yourself, and it can
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go much higher. that may have just been the final straw because they did start that investigation. jon: he is a man with tremendous ambitions, he wanted to be the next mayor of new york city, it is widely believed. it appears that's gone. now his house seat is going to go away. what happens to anthony weiner next? >> well, i said this in an earlier interview, you know, a show at cnn maybe? you know, i don't think that -- he's very good on television. you know, he's very smart. cnn has shown they don't have any problem with, you know, having people who have had sex scandals have shows, so, you know, perhaps he goes into the media. i don't -- i don't think it's out of the question that down the road he could run for office again, i just think he has to go and get help and sort of redeem itself. jon: yeah. if eliot spitzer can have a television show, maybe anthony weiner can as well. >> exactly. thank you. jenna: we have this fox because alert -- news alert on the business side of things.
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we're hearing new information about citigroup and this hacking that has affected hundreds of thousands of people, and elizabeth macdonald's here from fox business. breaking news. >> reporter: homeland security and law enforcement, including the fbi, are advising banks on how to protect account information that may be hacked on line. essentially, law enforcement is telling the banks your firewalls are not strong enough, and hackers are breaking in. jenna: and what prompted them to get involveed now? >> reporter: they're seeing 360,000 now accounts that have been breached at citigroup, security hacks going into those accounts. citigroup is telling fox business the states where most of the accounts were hacked, it's california, illinois, new york, texas and florida. so anybody in those states, they've got to pay attention to what's happening with their cards. jenna: as far as what type of cards, debit cards, credit cards? >> reporter: for now we know it's credit cards. the hackers got the account number, the e-mail and home address and the phone numbers.
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now, citigroup is telling fox business they did not have access, they did not get account information that would lead to fraud such as the expiration date, that little cv four-digit number -- jenna: authorization code. >> reporter: that's right. and your social security number and date of birth. but still people should be very concerned and wary about, you know, hackers getting their personal home address and watch out for what may happen out of that. jenna: information on who the hackers are, why they'd be targeting citigroup versus another big bank? >> reporter: you know, they said law enforcement is continuing to investigate, so they're not disclosing any more detail about that. but, you know, hackers have been breaking into card account information at other institutions as well. so that's why homeland security felt it needed to step up and say to the banks we're going to come and advise you to do a better job here. jenna: very interesting development. we'll stay on it. >> reporter: sure, absolutely. jenna: homeland security involved, jon, that's a big deal. jon: some of our chatters are wondering about congressman
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anthony weiner and what kind of retirement benefits he might get after he steps down. according to, once he reaches retirement age which for a former federal employee or congressman in this case is age -- let's see -- 56, he could pull in a portion of a $37,000-a-year annuity. the congressman expected to announce his resignation, that is the door to his keeps apartment there. queens apartment there. he's expected to announce his resignation at 2 p.m. eastern time. you can be sure it's going to be another barn burner of a news conference. we'll have it for you live on fox. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years?
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call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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do i look like i have a plan? not really. [ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. for a free brochure, call the number on your screen. jon: i'm jon scott, i'm mesmerized by the acquisitions wall. we're in the room here at fox where we take in all of the satellite feeds from around the world. if you look at remote 224, there she is, what a familiar face.
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that dour expression, as casey anthony sits live in an orlando courtroom on trial, potentially, for her life in the murder of her little tower, caylee. we will -- daughter, caylee. also on remote 261, there is the capitol dome. they're having day three of those hearings on debt and deficit reduction there. we'll update you on that. and up there at the top on remote 210, that is a door to the apartment building where we believe outgoing congressman anthony weiner is right now. he's going to be stepping in front of some microphones about two hours and 15 minutes from now at which time we are told he will announce his resignation from the house of representatives. we'll certainly be there life when he -- live when he does. jenna lee? jenna: absolutely. not going to miss that. in the meantime, growing controversy over the so-called fast and furious operation designed to keep guns out of the hands of mexican drug cartels. but there were a few, i don't
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know, hitches, problems with that, harris, that are being explored a little bit today. >> reporter: well, i've got to tell you that there is a battle going on this morning, jenna. the attorney general, eric holder, is at the heart of it. he is the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in our country, and he's being asked by at least two congress people, senator chuck grassley and representative issa, to give some more documentation on this secret program. it's a government program called operation fast and furious. and, jenna, you were right, it is to keep the guns out of the hands of those in mexico that we don't want them in. but here's the problem, a border agent by the name of brian terry, you may remember his name, 40 years old, border agent down in a small town in arizona was gunned down just north of the mexican border. and what we learned and what his family learned, too, was that the gun that was used, the ak-47, actually might have been put in the hands of the people who perpetrated that crime through this fast and furious program. in other words, somehow the guns
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leaked out of this program and got into the wrong hands. how did that happen? these congress people want to know that. they want eric holder, the attorney general, to turn over more information so that they can take a closer look at this secret government program and how it works. should it be operational? who needs to know more about it? it's a heated debate on capitol hill, and it involves the government program that they're looking at. we're following this story. as we learn more about it, of course, we'll tell our viewers. jenna: sounds good, harris. thank you so much. jon: that fire we've been telling you about in arizona, it is now the biggest fire in that state's history. and there's more trouble. high winds threatening to make the firefighters' work even tougher. we have the latest on the efforts to contain what is a monstrous, raging inferno.
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jon: a fox news alert, and as you probably know, the defense has taken its turn in the casey anthony murder trial up til, well, just yesterday it was all about the prosecution. our chatters are talking about it, and harris is watching breaking news for us today. harris, what do you have? >> reporter: well, i have two things. first of all, let me tell you what's happening on the stand. that investigator who processed some of the evidence that came out of casey anthony's bedroom and other points of her belongings is still on the stand now. the defense calling its first witnesses today as they get the case, as they try to keep their client alive, basically, jon, because she's facing the death penalty in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, caylee. and they have just asked about a
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laundry bag and whether there was any presence of blood. so it is very graphic testimony right now about that, but let's move on now to what people are talking about as well on our live chat. that is back, we're so excited to have it. "happening now"'s page on c john west says the casey anthony trial is so full of holes, it seems like both sides are trying to saab only the it. you know, there have been some comments here on the live chat about whether or not people are really buying any account that any side has given. that's what people are talking about. we want to include your voice on this. it's breaking news as we move into, now, well into a third week of this trial. you see jose baez away from casey anthony who's sitting here just waiting patiently as jose baez and others in the courtroom are discussing court proceedings right now. i'm still on it, i'll stay on it. as news warrants, you guys, i'll let you know what's happening. jon: thank you. jenna: from florida to arizona
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now where crews are gearing up for high winds as they battle the largest wildfire in state history today. a red flag warning in effect with the fast-moving flames scorching nearly a half million acres. adam houseley's live in springerville, arizona. where are we as far as containment of this fire? >> reporter: well, right now we're officially 29% contained, 487,000 acres have burned. that's a massive wildfire, as you mentioned, much larger than the last large wildfire here in arizona which was about 448,000 or so acres. so it did surpass the largest in the state's history. the good news is right now they are getting a pretty good handle on it. the winds have picked up a little bit, but if you talked to fire fights into the evening, they really were talking about if they could just get to thursday morning and widen some of the lines, it would help then with this battle. in the meantime, more people are being allowed back to their homes in a town not far from
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where the fire was burning. those folks have been allowed back in today, so it continues that trend, jenna, of people being allowed back even as we get closer to red flag warning again here in arizona. jenna: good news for some of the people going back, but you've still got this fire burning. any more information about what caused it? >> reporter: yeah. they still believe it was this unattended campfire, and they've interviewed two people they've identified as being in the area at the time. they're going back through license plate numbers, through sign-in sheets at the local and national parks trying to see who was in that area at the time when the fire started, and then they'll piece it all together. because they're getting a better handle on the fire, that gives them a better chance to do this investigation. you mentioned also about the red flag warning. there's been considerably low humidity here for for the last o and a half, three weeks. the temperatures have dropped, but the wind is going to come back this weekend. they believe they have this fire
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under wraps good enough to deal with that wind, but, of course, this entire area is dealing with a very severe drought, and they're hoping there's no other sparks that might set off another big fire here. jenna: adam houseley, thank you very much. out of arizona today. jon: all right, listen up. economists say there is one sure way you can save a million dollars. jenna: that sounds pretty good. jon: yeah. but i don't like the proposal. don't have kids. take a look at the cost of raising a child. hypothetically a middle-income family will spend about $300,000 from birth to age 17 to raise a child. and the cost of college, in the year 2029 a four-year degree at a public college is expected to cost about $200,000, so that would be 500 grand over 21 years or $24,000 a year. put that money in an investment plan earning about 7% a year, and over 21 years you would have almost $1.2 million if you
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didn't spend it on the kids. jenna: right. you don't have kids, you put it into an account, you might be rich. jon: but as a father of four, i can say they're worth every penny. jenna: every penny? every single penny? [laughter] jon: why are you laughing, harris? >> reporter: my 3-year-old is costing me a fortune. but i love him! but, yeah. [laughter] jenna: all right. jon: you'll find out one of these days. jenna: one of these days. i've got to get married first. we have a lot of things ahead of us before i get involved in this conversation. as we've been telling you, we're waiting for a news conference just two hours from now, congressman anthony weiner expected to announce he is resigning from the house in the wake of this sexting scandal. we're going to bring you this life plus more -- live plus much more coverage of breaking newsic around the country today. we'll be right back. i got mine in iraq, 2003. u.s.a.a. autonsurance is often handed down from generation to generation,
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jon: a knox news alert and how to take could be a congress -- down a congressman in 140 characters or less.
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anthony weiner, rising star in politics, we, the new york democrat is expected to announce his resignation today after a sexting scandal that would not die down. he's holding a news conference in new york city less than two hours from now. harris is keeping an eye on it for us. >> reporter: well, jon, if he keeps his word and does that at 2 p.m. eastern, it will be a whole lot less than 140 characters on a tweet, it will be, i quit. representative anthony weiner is said to be ready to resign his seat in congress, and on our live chat today there are a lot of people who are talking about it. um, and people across the country have been focused on this as there were so many calls for him to resign from different areas, mainly on capitol hill. 46 years old, and we are expecting in just the next little while to hear from anthony wean. of course, we are all over this story if and when it happens. back to you. jon: all right, harris. keep an eye on it for us. thanks.
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jon: casey anthony fighting for her life as her defense team calls its first witnesses. hello, thanks for joining us today, i'm jon scott. jenna: hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee. we've been through the prosecution and now we're at the defense, and this is really a murder trial that the entire country is watching. at stake, of course, as jon mentioned, is casey anthony's life. and that's why we're seeing the defense try to put on an aggressive case now calling a crime scene investigator to the stand to testify about the evidence seized by police. those include items from casey's bedroom, by the way. also on the stand today forensic expert from the fbi as well who spoke about the stains found in the trunk of casey's car. >> brown and yellow areas were identified throughout as possible stains. and a cotton tip swap was taken, water was applied and those stains throughout were swapped, and then the chemical test was
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performed on it for detecting whether or not blood was there. and all of those stains were negative for the presence of blood. jenna: negative for the presence of blood, but there's still questions about how little caylee died. if it was suffocation, if it was drowning as some say, blood might not be present. we heard that from dr. badden earlier this week. in just a few minutes we're going to talk to someone who's been following this case closely, also breaking news out of the courtroom today. jon: "happening now," a run of high-profile computer breaches, a self-proclaimed group of hackers saying they brought down the cia's web site and the web sites of other top agencies and major organizations including the u.s. senate, the sony corporation, pbs and news corp., parent company of fox news. david lee miller live in our newsroom with an update on that. david? >> reporter: jon, a group of hackers boasted on their twitter page yesterday that it crashed the cia's public web site, the cia confirms the site
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experienced, and i quote, technical issues, but says the problem is now resolved. a spokeswoman says the organization is looking into the incident adding that no confidential information was o compromised, and it is important to note here that the site of the alleged attack was not the cia's internal system. the cyber attackers seemed, though, to get what they wanted, and that was a great deal of attention. the group, which calls themselves lol security is a word play on the acronym that stands for laughing out loud. what they're doing is no joke. on the group's crudely-constructed web site it says, and i quote, we don't like the u.s. government very much. and when the group attacked the u.s. senate web site, it published user names and pass words. and in the private sector the group says it hacked fox tv and posted information about the show x factor. according to a cybersecurity expert, the greatest damage was
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likely caused to sony which had to shut down some computer gaming operations costing the company millions of dollars. experts say catching the hackers is not going to be easy, despite the fact they operate a web site, it is probably hosted outside the united states. the group is so brazen that it is even asking for financial donations, and they've set up a phone line for people to call in and to request which site should be hacked next. jon? jon: the tragedy is if they would put those skills to good use, they could probably make a lot of money and do a loot of good. >> reporter: absolutely. but, you know, they don't seem to be ideologically driven, but at the same time they're also anti-establishment, and at least for now money is not what they're after. jon: dade lee miller -- david lee miller, thanks. jenna: in the meantime, tensions are certainly rising over our role, the role of the united states, in libya. some lawmakers are expressing us from ration with the -- frustration with the president's decision to involve our troops. of course, not on the ground, but our military supporting this
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action in libya. the administration is vigorously defending the president's actions, and mike emanuel is watching this story for us. today we hear that speaker boehner responded to this 30-page document that the white house sent to congress. >> reporter: well, it's interesting because they laid out their legal argument for why they believe it's within the president's authority to continue this operation in libya. what the speaker's team is saying after going through that document is did all the lawyers agree in terms of advising the executive branch that this was within the president's legal authority? we heard the white house counsel, bob bowers' take on it, but what did the justice department say? they're wondering if there's dissension within the ranks in terms of did everyone sign off on this, agree it's within the president's authority? as for the speaker, here was his take from earlier this morning. >> the white house says there are no hostilities taking place. yet we've got drone attacks
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underway, we're spending $10 million a day, part of an effort to drop bombs on gadhafi's compounds. i don't know -- it doesn't pass a straight face. >> reporter: now, as part of that document that the white house released yesterday was an updated price tag for what this operation in many libya's going to cost the american taxpayers. the new estimate is $1.1 billion through the end of september. jenna? jenna: it's interesting, hearing ten million from speaker boehner per day, the last estimate we had was $2 million, so it's interesting to see that rise. so, mike, here we are. we have two very different sides about what's happening in libya. where do things go from here? >> reporter: well, i should say we should hear some new reaction from jay carney, the white house spokesman, in terms of what people have been saying on capitol hill and what, you know, our questions are because the document came out late in the day yesterday. so the first briefing since
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we've had a look at this document. as for carney, his message so far has been to congress don't mess with this operate. take a listen. >> the support we've had from congress in the past, and we expect it to continue because now is not the time to send mixed messages. as we've had the success that we've had in that mission. >> reporter: so we expect to get more questions with jay carney in about an hour or so and, obviously, when there's new information, we'll bring it to you. jenna: sounds good. thanks, mike. jon: a fox news alert, and we're getting the first official statement on outgoing congressman anthony weiner from democratic congresswoman nita lowey. now, she has long served westchester county and rockland in new york, highly-regarded member of congress. shish i shoed -- she issued the following statement on his expected resignation. she says, there is life after congress for anthony weiner, and i hope he devotes himself to repairing the damage he caused to his personal life.
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now, we have yet to hear from his wife, huma, who is roughly ten, maybe eleven weeks pregnant, we understand. we'll see about all that. but if you want to weigh in, go to, click on the america's asking tab there and join in our live chat. jenna: well, we will see what happens with that. we're watching this wildfire, the biggest in arizona history, and there's a red flag warping with strong winds -- warning with strong winds today. we'll have an update on that. plus, casey anthony's defense team trying to refute the prosecution's case. how are they doing? we're going to talk to a defense expert coming up. and which story do you want to hear more about? our viewers get to choose, harris. >> reporter: well, jenna, there are cameras everywhere these days, and we're all about the hot tape on "happening now." so let's check out what your choices are. there's some dashcam video from a police officer's car. there was a shootout. he realized a guy was an
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escapee, and what happens after that you have to see. i'm told the audio, what they're talking about, actually, is where some of the greatest action is. or, you know, we couldn't watch it in north america, the last lunar eclipse. it happenedless than 24 hours ago. what did you miss? a rare opportunity to see an eclipse of the moon. we understand that something turned bright red. and, hey, there's a gator in lockup. that's right, they arrested an alligator. what did he do? how did that happen? you make the choice so that we can watch it with you right here on "happening now." stay close. hey! you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to t i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs
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well, if it don't have get there ovnight, you can save a lot with priority mail flat re envelopes. one flat rate to any state, just $4.95. that's cool and al.. but it ain't my mone seriously do not care... so, you don't care what anyone says, you want to save this company money! that's exactly what i was sayi. hmmm... ority mail fat rate envelopesjust $4.95 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. jenna: real quick here to show you some action taking place. you see those two cars at the center of your screen? i believe those were the two police cars that were following suspects who led police on, well, a car chase earlier and then dropped dropped the car, b, left the car and left on foot. the police were able to run
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these two down. as i understand it, there's one man, one woman put inside the car. now you can see who we believe are the suspects. again, a car chase just happened about an hour ago in houston. you can see the woman being placed inside the cop car and a man as well. we don't know why police were after them. if we get more information, we'll bring that to you. jon: new information, now, on wild weather that's impacting folks really around the globe. high winds could hinder efforts to contain the largest wildfire in arizona history. forecasters saying those winds could stay strong through the weekend. powerful storms slamming the southeast, downing trees and knocking out power to tens of thousands of customers in north and south carolina. and airlines grounding flights between australia and new zealand because ash from a volcano that erupt inside chile is settling in between the two countries. jenna: well, right now the defense's turn.
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lawyers for casey anthony calling their first witnesses to the stand today in what has really become a sensational murder trial that's gripping the entire country. casey anthony could get the death penalty if she's convicted of fist-degree murder in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, caylee. on the defense witness list, a well-known expert expected to say the little girl drowned. also a convicted kidnapper. criminal defense attorney cheyenne joins us from the courthouse in atlanta with more on this. based on what you saw over the last couple hours, what do you think is the defense's strategy? >> well, i think, jenna, at this point the defense knows exactly where the state is headed. the state has rested, they've done their arguments, and, basically, the judgment argument is pretty much going to be their closing. a lot of people believe they overpromised in this their opening, but i think the state has given them enough chance to
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get out of putting casey anthony on the stand. now, i think it still would be a little suspicious to the jury if they didn't do so, but i think that's what they're trying to get out of -- jenna: why do you think -- yeah, go ahead. why do you think that based on what you're seeing so far that you think they've screwed it out of having to do that? >> well, i think because the state threw so much science out there. they had 30 witnesses, and they made dna and hair branding and a lot of other scientific evidence the main issue in this trial. because in the first-degree murder case all they had was circumstantial. so in order to go under felony murder, um, theory, they had to put up a lot of science, and that has allowed, i think, the defense to make a lot of different arguments and to fight science with science which is, basically, called battle of the experts. so that's what they're starting from today. now, this person that they're
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bringing in who was a convicted felon and who their trying to -- they're trying to tie to mr. anthony, casey's father, would be the, i think, could be a big mistake depending on what that person's going to say. i'm hoping that, obviously, the defense knows what that person's going to stay on the stand. jenna: so what exactly do we know about him, vasco thompson? we know he's a criminal and that there's some sort of connection or phone calls that were exchanged, the defense says, between him and casey's father. do you know anything more than that? >> right. i think -- no one does. i think that is a problem. the only the thing tying him to casey's father is some phone calls, and what was the conversation would depend on what he says and what casey's father says, mr. anthony. and a convicted felon testifying is never really credible to the jury, and that's a problem. jenna: and it's interesting, as we were also talking about earlier that, cheyenne, we don't really know how long the phone calls are, who called who,
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there's a lot of details left. you say one of the most important details of this case, though, has already been established, and that comes down to the issue of whether or not there was actual serious child abuse happening inside the home. and you say that is so important to the sentence that casey could eventually get or whether or not she gets off here. why is that? >> well, it's not what was going on in the home, so to speak. are you talking about on caylee anthony? child abuse? or on casey? i think the main thing is aggravated child abuse would, they're going to tie it to felony murder with the fact that, basically, she, you know, used duct tape on her mouth maybe to put her to sleep because she wanted to go out and chloroform and things like that. i think that's going to be their theory. jenna: well, we'll see. so as far as that, i guess -- i didn't ask the question correctly. if that is established or if that is what they're going for, the prosecution, of saying that was the type of child abuse that
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led to the death, if there isn't any other evidence of other child abuse that has happened over the last two years of this little girl's life -- and we're seeing pictures of little caylee on the screen -- does that change things? it could be viewed by jurors as a one-time incident and something indicative of what was happening inside the house? >> definitely. but that one-time incident could lead to a felony murder being established. that's why jose baez is hitting the dna evidence so hard. it was the dna testimony and cross-examination in the o.j. simpson case that changed that trial. the only thing that establishes any kind of child abuse is the duct tape and the chloroform. so if he can hit that, and today you saw he was talking about chain of custody issues with the fbi dna expert and also contamination issues. and if he can throw a reasonable doubt in there, then i think on both theories there is something
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to be said in the closing as far as the defense is concerned. jenna: it'll be interesting to see how he performs over the next couple of days and weeks. lots of people pegging him as an underdog, but we'll see what the defense does. cheyenne, we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. thank you. jon: well, some in the mainstream media are saying that state governors could decide next year's presidential race. our next guest says there's no ed of that. evidence of that. plus, you can see her smiling. police believe this is the last known image of missing college student lauren, spearer. the new lead in her disappearance. going to have th. i thought i was invincible. i'm on an aspirin regimen now because i never want to feel that helplessness again. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. talk to your doctor, and take care of what you have to take care of.
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jenna: we have some breaking new developments in the case of missing indiana university student, lauren spierer, who vanished on june 3rd. harris, what do we know?
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>> reporter: well, what we have is what we can see, and it is the last picture that police have just released of lauren inside her apartment building, so we're told. it's the morton mansions apartments. security pictures picking her up there. and then the other thing that's most important to know about this case today is what's happening right now at this hour. they are still looking for, although they've gotten some 300 tips in, on a white four-door short bed truck with writing on the doors and the rear panel. that was seen by security cameras, again, in a ten-minute period on june 3rd when 20-year-old lauren, indiana university student, vanished after leaving a bar. they think she might have been on her way home. this mid-2000 chef -- chevrolet silverado is what they're looking for now. it has high quality rims, and, again, they've received some 300 tips on that. on the night of june 3rd, she had been with friends, and she left a bar and left her shoes and personal items inside the
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bar. and did not return. there's a picture of lauren now. she's 4-11, very petite, very friendly person she's been described as. police have a number of persons of interest they've been talking with, but they need the public's help at this point to try to solve where lauren spierer is. you see the number there. if you can help, 812-339-4477. her parents have been very vocal trying to get the public to say whatever they know about this indiana university student. they're working with that truck description. police say that ten-minute period between 4:14 in the morning and 4:24 in the morning on june 3rd may hold a whole lot of answers, and they want that truck. back to you. jenna: it just takes a moment. harris, thank you. we'll see if they find out any more information. jon: there's been a lot of speculation in system -- some of the mainstream media about how
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golfs could effect the -- governors could effect the 2012 presidential election. a slew of broadcasts arguing the unpoop lairty of governors in some states could sway voters. could be political poppy cock. our next guest says there is very little evidence of that happening. stuart roth enberg is editor of the highly-regarded rothenberg political report. take us back three weeks, stuart, tell us how this all got started and how the ball kind of kept rolling from there. >> a couple people at ppp, a north carolina democratic polling firm, issued a press release about governor john kasich, republican governor john kasich's numbers in ohio, and they argued that he could be an albatross around the neck of the eventual republican nominee next year. they pointed to other governors, other stories picked that up, some democratic web sites, sop newspapers and even nonpartisan journalistic web sites picked it up, and this argument started to
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develop that in particularly in ohio and in florida, but also in a place like wisconsin unpopular republican governors would be a severe problem, a severe drag for the republican presidential nominee. even talking about how it would make it impossible for the republicans to win these states. jon: we all know how important ohio is when it comes to presidential elections, so you did a little research. what did you find? >> >> well, the first thing is i noticed that none of the articles mentioned any past cases where this actually happened. they didn't point to any examples. you know, you always have to be worried about that. i'm perfectly willing to believe that this could be the first time, but it seems to me that imposes, that argument imposes a greater burden on the people making the argument. i looked around, i couldn't find anything. i found instances where there were inpopular governors in missouri in 2008, a republican governor, john mccain won the state narrowly. so i just think there's no evidence for this. and, frankly, jon, logically it
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really doesn't hold together. think about it. jon: so voters don't go into the booth and say i'm unhappy with my republican governor, therefore, i'm going to vote for a democratic president? >> that's nuts. next year the presidential race is going to be everywhere, the presidential candidates, federal issues, people we focused on barack obama, the economy, afghanistan, the republican nominee, they're not going to be making decisions via their attitudes towards the republican governor in ohio or florida. it just isn't going to happen. jon: all right. let's turn your attention real quickly to congressman anthony weiner. he is about to resign. your take on it from washington where you sit now. >> good news for the democratic congressional leadership. they've wanted to put this behind -- jon: really? >> absolutely. they wanted to put this behind them so instead of spending every day talking about congressman wiener and why he should resign and what they're going to do to punish him, now they're going to get that out of the way, and they'll be able to return to medicare and the republicans and keep the focus on the republicans. it's all about the narrative,
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and democrats feel like they've been on the defensive for the last couple weeks. they want to go on the offensive. jon: interesting, nancy pelosi, the minority leader in the house, had her regular thursday news conference, news briefing today, and she started it by saying i am not going to take questions about anthony weiner. they really are tired of talking about him. >> oh, absolutely. because, you know, politics is always about what people are talking about. and in this case the democrats have been defending themselves. they've been back on their heels talking about a misstep by one of their own. they want to keep the focus on the republicans, and they want to talk about mitt romney and tim pawlenty and paul ryan and the republican leadership in the house. they don't want to talk about their own dirty linen. jon: stuart rothenberg from the rothenberg political report, thank you. >> sure. jenna: well, a 10-year-old boy's life saved by a split-second decision. what happens when he rides his bicycle into the path of a police cruiser. look at that, the dramatic
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moment of impact caught on dashcam video. we're going to show that to you. plus, david asman is here to tell us about the latest warnings that we could be headed for another recession? we'll talk to david about that coming up. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle --
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8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! even if you think your mattresses is just fine, ask me what it's like to get your best night's sleep every night. why not talk to someone who's sleeping on the most
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highly recommended bed in america.™ it's not a sealy or a simmons or a serta. ask me about my tempur-pedic. ask me how fast i fall asleep. these are actual tempur-pedic owners. ask someone you know. try your friends on facebook. you'll hear it all. unedited. ask me how it feels after 10 years. just ask me. there are over 4 million tempur-pedic owners, and they're more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. ask me why someone who's never had an ache or a pain is in love with thas bed. start asking real owners. find out what you've been missing. right now, you can buy a tempur-pedic mattress set and save up to $200. plus, take advantage of our 4 years special financing. visit for full details on our mattress set savings event and 4 years special financing. don't wait-offer ends soon. visit now. jenna: a business alert for you now. according to the national bureau of economic research,
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the recession officially ended exactly two years ago this month but some leading economists see warning signs that the u.s. could be heading for another recession. not a double-dip, a whole separate recession all together. the latest jobless numbers aren't exactly boosting anyone's confidence. we have new claims this week. we're showing how many americans filed for unemployment benefits. 414,000 is the number. that is down from previous weeks but here's the context. for the last ten weeks that number has been above 400,000. and really been above 400,000 for the better part of three years. hiring is down. that is one of the big factors in this economy. david asman is an anchor on the fox business network. talk us through this. we talk about double-dip. we talk about another recession. >> we're talking worse than that we had on two financial gurus if you will. one, jim rogers. he is financial analyst talking down the economy for a long time. so i expected him to say the economy is going to
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hell-in-a-hand-basket. but then we had leo hindery. former head of tci, the second largest cable company in america. jenna: big business guy. >> big business guy but a democrat. a real supporter of obama from the get-go even before he became president. i thought he would be opposite side of the debate. we try to work out both sides of the debate. jenna: sure. >> he was as down on the economy as jim rogers. i couldn't get him to talk up the economy. jenna: why? >> first of all you mentioned unemployment numbers. as long as it is above 400,000 new entries in unemployment rolls, that is awful news. those people aren't buying. they're thinking how they will meet ends in terms of getting food on the table. they're not at all thinking about buying a car. they're definitely not thinking about buying a house. they're not going out to the stores at all. maybe when they go out once a month they go to costco to buy everything they can and load their basement with it. even though the corporations, wall street is not doing doing terrible.
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wall street hasn't crashed yet. minor correction. people are seeing the crash coming. having said that there is this whole other school of investment analysts say now the time to get into wall street. evaluations are low. corporations are continue to boast about all their high earnings because of the fact they can borrow money at practically nothing. corporations may be doing fine. maybe now is the time to get in the stock market. that is what some people say. jenna: we hear that often. now is a great time to go buy but psychologically there seems to be residue from the recession we've been in. >> oh, yeah, absolutely. jenna: another economist, bob schiller, not to compete economist quotes with you but i will throw this. this is about demand. gets back to buying a car, buying a house or want to go out and shop. if people don't feel like it? >> schiller is one of the yalie economists. ivy league smart guys. generally smart guys have been wrong so long you wonder whether you listen to him.
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his focus is on housing as you know. you've been covering case-shiller for years and years. the housing market is terrible, awful. that is the last thing you will purchase if you're quitting your job. jenna: i will talk to senator kay bailey hutchison in a second about social security. is there anything can be done in d.c., whether getting a debt plan getting together or debt ceiling agreement to turn things around to prevent a recession? worst thing about folks on social security they will see cost of living go down a little bit even though cost of grocery store and gas station is going up. they get their cost of living based on core inflation index which doesn't include food, which doesn't include gas. when you're retired those are the two major expenses you have. you usually already own your house. so the main thing you spend money on is gas and food. and those things aren't included in their inflation index. jenna: we'll see what happens with this plan coming out. david, thank you so much. always nice to have david. see him on "bulls and bears" with liz claman after the
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closing bell. 4:00 p.m. eastern time on the fox business network and he is on at 9:00 p.m. eastern for "scoreboard." keeping score of winners and losers on wall street. you do want to be on the winners list. you will have andrew breitbart tonight? >> yeah. we have a busy night. jenna: thank you, david. >> thank you very much. jenna: jon? jon: a fox news alert. and the taliban may have a new strategy in afghanistan. sources tell fox news that the insurgents there want to create a false sense of security. they're talking about holding back their attacks and the taliban is just waiting for the day when u.s. forces begin to pull out. dominique dinatali streaming live from islamabad, pakistan. what can you tell us about it? >> reporter: jon, this is a pakistan-based taliban aide and a top one telling us indeed that strategy not to be fighting as much as it has been in the past in this bid to lull u.s.-led nato forces into a false sense of
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security. thinking they have the upper hand and they have the taliban on the run in afghanistan. in fact it is just a ploy and once they u.s. withdrawal is completed the taliban will be back in full force ready to take on hamid karzai and the afghan government. it could be posturing. however on the behalf of the taliban. it could be just a ploy for the time-being but there appears to be momentum recently by the tall began -- taliban in afghanistan. they also said what they would try to do amid the drawdown and seize u.s. weaponry drawn out of the country. that would be hard to do. that would be brave if they're able to do that. most of the weaponry and combat equipment will be flown out. you won't see it on convoys. they're saying some of that does intend to target convoys coming through afghanistan into pakistan to make their way to the ports in karachi. we'll see whether they actually do that. right now america wants to
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start negotiations if they can with the taliban leader mullah omar to see whether they can be brought into the political process here. in addition with the taliban here today in, here in, here in the region taliban saying that it fully endorses the appointment of ayman al-zawahiri as the new leader of al qaeda, describing him as a competent leader and vowing that alongside al qaeda it will continue to attack the west. back to you, jon. jon: again, always possible that the taliban is holding back on their attacks because we're beating the tar out of they will. we'll see. dominic, thank you. jenna: we were talking a little bit about this with david asman. there is a new proposal on capitol hill today just out to keep social security on solid ground. it doesn't include tax hikes or deep cuts to benefits. so how does this work out? senator kay bailey hutchison is the bill's sponsor. the ranking republican on the commerce committee. great to have you today on
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to talk about this. it is a little bit of a fact-finding mission this interview with you what is the key, what is the key according to your proposal to keep social security above water? >> well, first of all i put it out right now because i'm writing a letter to vice president biden and saying, this needs to be included in the whole debt ceiling issue. we want to cut back on deficits in order to lower the debt that we have in this country. so, my proposal is a gradual increase in aid, which certainly makes sense because people are living longer with a better quality of life. so instead of 67 where we're going now, by the year 2027 it would go to 69. so it is a very gradual increase. it also would cut the cost of living adjustment by 1% only. that is about $11 a month on an average social security monthly check. those two things would keep
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our social security system solvent for 75 years with really, i think, minor pain and a big gain in solidifying the system. jenna: amazing to hear those two things would be as you mentioned keeping everything going for 75 years. just a question about who it would affect as you're raising the age of social security, who would this affect? you have a certain age cuttoff for example? >> yes. anyone who is 58 and above will not be affected at all. after that, if you're 57, your retirement age would go up three months a year. so, three more months. and, you would be able to then retire. early retirement would go from 63 to 64, and, full retirement would go to 69. by the year 202. so it is very gradual. so, really we're protecting everyone by increasing the
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age more commensurate with the acutarial tables of today rather than 1935 when people lived to be 55. jenna: amazing to think about that, around 1935 we're working off the information. just a quick final question about that cost of living increase because that is something so many people depend on even right now because it is tied to inflation, sometimes that cost of living increase is nothing. if you're dropping it by 1% how does that work if it is a year where there is very little inflation and not a lot of, well, extras in the ways of cost of living increases for seniors? >> what we're trying to do is, if there is rampant inflation, which is anything over 1%, then you would start a cost of living adjustment. but if it is under 1% it would be $11 a month you would not get in an increase. you would still be able to get your core benefits. if it goes over 1% then the cost of living adjustment kicks in. that in itself will be a
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major part of solidifying social security, rather than cutting benefits by as much as $271 a month for the average, if we go into 2035, which the social security trust funds say we will, and we run out of money. so we're trying to protect now and, over 75 years we will, we'll cut 7 trillion out of the social security borrowing and really help our deficits all the way along. jenna: we're looking forward to hearing reaction. you just put this out there about an hour ago. we appreciate you coming on to talk about it, senator. we look forward to talking to you again as we get more reaction to this plan. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, generics well, do you own one of these? a major recall of a popular vehicle just announced. we'll tell you what you need to know. plus, this is hardly a news flash. a study buys men shows men
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buy fancy stuff like portias to attract the ladies. what do women think
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>> coming up right here on "america live" you will see it all play out here this afternoon. anthony weiner gets set to go in front of the microphones at his new york office and announce what has been coming for the last three weeks, his resignation. we expect that to happen about 2:00 p.m. eastern time. we'll take you there live and then we'll get reaction from andrew breitbart who played a crucial role in the entire unraveling. he will watch the whole thing along with us and we'll get his reaction and folks involved with new york politics. and a psychologist on hand to talk about any reasons mr. weiner may give and what he has been going through the past 24, 48 hours with his wife. all that coming up here at at the top of the hour on "america live". jon: this just in.
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men buy flashy items like fancy sports cars to attract, guess what? women. so says a new study. that is hardly surprising but are the ladies fooled about what's going on here? senior correspondent john roberts may have the answers for us. john? >> reporter: good afternoon to you, jon. what is this some sort of internet survey? believe it or not some serious researchers have taken a look at the question whether or not like the peacock with its plumeage, its tail feathers a man with a porsche is more attractive to women. researchers from rice university, university of texas at san antonio and university of minnesota, conducted four, count them four ermt iss to find out if a, men buy fancy cars like a porsche to attract women and b, would the woman likely to date the man. the answer on both counts, yes but there is caveat. women saw a man with flashsy car like porsche, short-term,
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noncommittal sexual relationship. here is researcher jill sunday day. >> woman who found a man who drove a porsche a attractive as a date but didn't find him desirable as marriage partner for long term committed relationship. >> reporter: if a woman looking for casual fun date they might likely choose a man with a porsche. if looking for somebody to settle down with somebody with more frugal tastes and spending priorities. you're saying, what about women who buy flashsy cars like porsches. are they doing it to attract men? here's sunday. >> we don't find women spend money that way to attract men. clearly when women spend money on expensive items they tend to do must be for some reason other than attracting the opposite sex. >> reporter: women clearly the mower sensible sex and men like the peacock waving their tail feathers to
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attract a date. jon: jenna is so sensible don't even own a car. >> i was hoping jenna, would we ask you would you likely date someone a porsche or 19 honda civic. jenna: maybe a 1968 camaro but not a porsche. we'll be back with who are "happening now"
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jenna: some dramatic video as a police car cruising along at 50 miles an hour hits a 10-year-old riding his bicycle. a kalamazoo county, michigan, on routine patrol, driving speed limit, when the boy suddenly rides his bike into the roadway emerging from a hidden driveway. the deputy, a 20-year veteran slammed the brakes. swerves to avoid a direct hit. he does thankfully. the car clips the boy's leg.
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also the back wheel of the bicycle but the boy as you can see from the video walked away uninjured. some great video and a good result what could have been. one of our viewers just on our chat yesterday mentioned this video to us. we always love it when you do that. we check it out and do a little research. this came from one of our viewers. thank you for that. jon: kate sent that in and wow! a dangerous fugitive still on the run in montana. david berg gurt, former montana militia leader shot a didty and escaped into the mountains of western montana. our next guest says he harbors great animosity for law enforcement and government as well. we have missoula county sheriff on the phone. we were speaking with your undersheriff yesterday. you were taking a look at a camp you thought he might be in. how did that turn out? >> well we looked at the camp and turned out to be the wrong guy.
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he had all the indication of being a perfect place for him. very secluded. very hidden, camouflaged cabin. but it turned out to be the wrong man. jon: a dry hole. so what -- >> not entirely because that guy went to jail for several violations anyway. jon: okay. so what happens now? is the search continuing? >> yes. the search is continuing and we're kind of in the what we i guess lack of a better term, let's call it, the plodding stage of investigations where you're tracking down leads, trying to develop new ones. you see where it all goes. jon: i had read there was some speculation that he might have made it out of the search area. he might have gotten out of that drainage basin where so much of the search was focused? >> that certainly is is possible. you know, it's, he could be long gone or he could still be holed up in there somewhere. jon: all right. we certainly wish you well as this search
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goes on. thanks very much for joining us, sheriff. >> well, thank you. jenna: for more on the story meantime find out what you our viewers picked as the must-see moment of the day. we have a couple good scenarios. a crazy dash-cam shootout. a gator not going anywhere or lunar eclipse. we'll give you the results after the break yeah. well we're the two active ingredients in zegerid otc. i'm omeprazole. and i'm sodium bicarbonate. just one pill a day ... gives you 24-hour relief. & one mission. two ingredients heartburn solved. or the brake™.
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8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss
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with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! jon: we had a horse race today, in the video of the day, and the winner. >> the win ser the police shootout. it was close. you almost got to see the lunar eclipse, but with 46 percent voting online, you wanted to see this. i almost want to stop talking but i have to set this up, winston-salem, north carolina an officer stops a man on pleasant guard road, he asks for i.d. and learned that the driver had just escaped from a half way house where he was serving time for bank robbery. listen this, is the important part


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